And while I'm not sure it has lived up to every possible expectation he had of it, he's doing great and having a good time!
The hardest part is getting up at 5:45 to be at practice by 6:30! But they got their pads yesterday, so now they are bigtime!!
Before the first practice with pads, we had a little homework....the mouthpiece!!

I remember Ryan doing this when we were in high school. I thought maybe they would've come up with a more high-tech way of doing this in the last 20 years! Guess not!
We also had the privilege of having practice today, the first Saturday after the first week of school!! It was a short practice where parents were invited to stay and watch and then attend a meeting after practice. It was pretty cool to see the whole team dressed out and acting like a team already! Here he is running in a couple of drills. He's #55.

Check out the knees of his pants!!
It's gonna be a great season!!
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