Sunday, May 26, 2013

Some of my favorite peeps ....

Today was a special day because it was wedding day for a co-worker of mine.   This meant that almost all of my office-mates got dressed up and got together to show some love for the new bride and groom.   These guys, though we aren't all together anymore, have been a huge support and encouragement to me for a long time.   It was soo great for everyone to be together, if only for a short time!!

And so I'll remember when I'm old(er) and senile(r) ....left to right, Matt, Gwynne, Gail, Terri, Dora, Valerie, and Ronda, aka The Boss Lady.    The picture quality isn't great, but this was a happy time!!   And no, we didn't get the bride or groom in the pic!!  Oops!!

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