Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mom's Day

Today has been a really great day.

It started off with Parker bringing me my breakfast in bed . . . Rice Chex!!

We went to church, came home, and Scott and the boys made lunch . . . grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes, and carrots.

We had an easy afternoon with a lot of kickball. These boys of mine are really into kickball right now. They get a game going pretty much every day after school and have a blast!!

Today they decided that they tender little feet were just too sensitive to play kickball totally bare, so they had to do something about it.

Duct tape - they must be males, right??

After a lot of kickball, we came in and watch America's Funniest Videos . . . always a winner here at our house!! When I came down the stairs from watching TV, the dishes were done, the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded with the dirty dishes. Amazing!! THAT was the best gift of all!!

And because I'm not a cat person and I don't want Deneise to see how cute these little kittens are, I want to share of few pics of the growing babies!!

We took them all out of the box to see what they would do, and this one decided he/she really liked the box better than the outside world!!

Even Angel is getting back to her old self. She decided to get back to the trees on this, her first Mother's Day!!



Kelly said...

those boys are crazy! i hope they do not have hair on their feet yet.

angie said...

I've always heard you can use duct tape for anything!