Thursday, May 21, 2009

Now why didn't I think of that?

Tonight we were heading home from Science Night at Landry's school when Parker looked up into the clouds.

P: Hey Mom -- what does that cloud look like to you??

M: Well, it kind of looks like a fish ... see the opening there and the fins at the top and the bottom?

P: A fish??

M: Yeah, it's definitely a fish. (of course, it's as plain as day that it's a fish to me!!)

P: Well, I don't see a fish AT ALL. That just doesn't make sense.

M: So what do you see?

P: It's definitely a two-headed wolf without a neck!!

Of course it is!!


Shellee said...

gah, Kristy! that doesn't make any sense! Clearly a two-headed wolf without a neck!!

Marla said...

Hehe! Of course it was a two-headed wolf without a neck, I see those all the time!

How are the kitties?

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem understanding Peyton's art work. Then once he explains it to me, he looks at me like DUH! how could you not understand that, Mom!

deneise said...

not tryin' to be rude...but i always knew you were an idiot. thankfully, we have kiddos who love to point that out to us!!

Brandy said...

You have been given the Lemonade Gratitude Award.... go check it out on my blog and follow the instructions!