Friday, August 7, 2009

Classic Parker

Last night found Parker and I in bed and he was unusually talkative and sweet.

The conversation went something like this:

P - Mom, you're the best mom in the world. I'm so glad I got you!

M - Parker, you're a really great boy and I'm so glad God chose you to be in our family.

P - SO, which boy do you love the most?

M - Well, I love all of you. You all have things you're really good at and all so different.

P - But, who's your favorite?

M - I don't have a favorite...I love you all the same! (classic parent line!)

P - Well, who do you think is the most handsome?

M - All of you!

P - Well, then.....why do you have more pictures of ME on the fridge than anyone else??!!!

And to think...I thought he needed some confidence building!!!

1 comment:

Shellee said...

Yea, why DO you have more pics of him on the fridge???