Friday, February 12, 2010

More Snow???

For the third time this winter, it is SNOWING!! This is getting a little crazy!!

Today we woke up to snow, drove to school in the snow, worked in the snow, ran into Walmart in the snow, picked up the kids at noon in the snow, drove home in the snow, built snowmen in the snow, and now, late in the day, it is STILL snowing!!

Here's the latest measurement --

We went out after we got home and stayed out for 2 stinkin' hours!! I was seriously contemplating Googling the symptoms of frostbite when we came in!! It didn't seem that cold while we were out in it until the end.....then it was way cold!!

The boys had a blast and I was determined to make the best snowman ever. We strategized and planned and I quickly realized that my dream of the perfect snowman probably wasn't going to happen!! It was harder than it looked to make it just right!! The thought might have crossed my mind that I should have done a little research to figure out just the best way to make it work!! (I can take the fun out of just about anything!!!) :)

Anyway, here are our best attempts --

Me...trying to get the rolling action down!!

Landry is delighted at the progress we're making!!

And here are the finished products --

I've learned that we aren't a very crafty family (which I already knew) and that we were going to have to get creative with what to put on these guys! I ended up in the produce drawer of the fridge and used carrots for his eyes, a shriveling jalapeno for his nose, and some celery that was on its last legs for his smile. I'm guessing fresh celery wouldn't bend into a smile??!?

We then got a little over-ambitious and decided to make a snow family! From left to right, they are Scott, Alex, Parker, Luke, Landry, and me. Yes, I did make myself a little taller and thinner than I probably actually am, but I was the one creating!!

At first, the ideas for decorating were just a-flowing. You can't really tell, but Parker's guy has legos for his eyes and mouth because Parker loves Legos! My girl has blue marble eyes because my eyes are blue (which ironically, one of the marbles kept falling out....I'm sure that's a metaphor of my life in some weird way!!), and I'm holding a mini-back-scratcher which doubles as a broom!! How clever, I thought!! My mouth is actually a snake (which I hope is NOT a metaphor of my life!) that is from some Indiana Jones Lego thing!!

We went downhill after that!! Scott and Luke have pretzel correlation at all....and out of sheer desperation, I grabbed some bark from the flower bed and made Alex and Landry's eyes!! Everyone has a carrot nose and we threw out some balls because we play a lot of ball!! This is the point where I cannot feel my fingers or toes!!

The saddest part of this little tale is that I looked out the window just a few minutes ago and our big snowman has already lost his top 2 layers!! WHAT???! All that work?? So much for the perfect snowman!! :(

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