Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Basketball, Football, and Peace

When we moved into this house last year, we had a playroom. It took a while to learn that we played in the playroom instead of the living room. Just when we semi-mastered the correct location of playing, our playroom suddenly changed into a football arena!!

Many Family (and friends) Football nights were held in the arena and I probably still have the rug burns on my knees to prove it!!

Thankfully, the football arena has now been replaced with a basketball court!! The boys rush in from school pretty much every day to begin their ritual basketball game. The two "goals" that used to be dirty clothes hampers are now permanent fixtures on the court. My favorite part of watching/listening to them as they play is the starting line-ups. Each team takes turns introducing the player(s) from the other team, including their number, position, height, etc. Sometimes they are their real name; other times they are professionals (Dirk). Oh - and sometimes they are still in college.

Which brings me to the funniest starting line-up to date. Yesterday, Parker was introducing Luke and I overheard: (in his best deep, announcer voice)

From the Tar Heels, introducing a 3 foot 5 inch SENIOR - - - LUUUUUUKKE BAGG!!

The 3 ft 5 part was reasonable, but when he threw in the "senior" I almost busted out laughing!!

Here are Alex and Luke doing their special handshake/warm up

Landry isn't quite ready for the high level league that the older boys play in so he has to get his fun in a different way. He enjoys playing a little one-on-one football with his Dad:

He goes long, but misses!!

To continue this completely random post, I was making supper tonight and peas were on the menu. Landry was helping me and asked me what they were. When I said "peas," he responded with this:

And said "Peace out!!"

Finally, look what came in the mail yesterday:

Grandma and Grandpa Bagg sent this to the boys and they were very excited to get it and get started. I had a couple of unexpected hours at home today and I thought that maybe I would just go ahead and open it and get it all ready to go for when they got home from school. Then I thought - No, I always try to make everything just right and take all the fun out of it - I'll just wait until they get home and we'll open it all together and just have a jolly good time!! So what is the first thing I read when we open the directions?? "Icing" the first 4 pieces together and wait 1 hour. "Icing" the roof on and wait 2-3 more hours!! Oops!! So, this will be a 2 day project!! This is how far we got today (and one of the sides fell off as it was drying!!):

Notice all the cans holding it up!! That was the directions' idea - not mine - but a good one!! Take careful note of the box, because that is pretty much exactly what ours is going to look like when we are done!! :) Great fun!! Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!!


leiGh said...

cute cute! Luke talked about getting to make a gingerbread house today...sounds like fun!...and yummy!!

Marla said...

LOL @ peace out! Can't wait to see the finished gingerbread house!

Anonymous said...