Thursday, December 6, 2007

An old friend

I got a special Christmas card in the mail today - one I look forward to getting because it is often the only way I can "catch up" with this friend of mine! It always has cute pictures of her kids and she has four of them, like me!!

Marla and I go way back to high school. I can think of a lot of funny stories that involve her and I - crazy good times!! We had lots of fun playing volleyball and basketball, just hanging out, and talking a lot! To this day, if I see a 1989-ish Barretta, I think of Marla because that's what she got her senior year?? Maybe?? I have a terrible memory, but I know she drove that car!!

Anyway, for those of you who knew Marla (and if you need a memory aid, she was the really tall one with the really good posture!!) or even if you've never heard of her, go and check out her blog! It's super cute, along with her kids, and you can find it here.

Happy 80 degree day tomorrow!!


Marla said...

KRISTY!!!!!!!!!!! What a fun surprise to see your comment today!!! Your blog is awesome and you are definitely going in my favorite blog links immediately!! It will be so fun to catch up with you, we must get together soon!

Marla said...

PS-- Just so we're clear, she means "old" as in from a long time ago, not as in I'm "old." ;)

Kristy said...

Of course you're not old! If you were old, then that would mean I was old, and that is just not the case!!

Marla said...

LOL! :o)