Saturday, December 22, 2007

The early bird gets a .. .. ..

My friend, Leigh blogged a few days ago about the benefits getting to sleep late.

While I could not agree more, I had to get up early this morning in hopes of finishing up my Christmas shopping. My theory was that if I got to the mall when it opened (8 am) that I might avoid the crowd. So, I arrived at the mall at 8:15 and went straight to Old Navy. There was a nice lady at the entrance and she asked if I wanted to participate in their gift card give away today.

So, I say "huh?"

She says, "if you spend $20, you get a gift card for $20"

I'm like "seriously??"

She says - YES!!

So, of course I want to participate and I get my ticket to get my gift card!!

How crazy is that?? Apparently, the first 100 people in the store today got a gift card if they spent $20!! I love Old Navy!!

And yes, I did avoid the crowd both at the mall and at Wal-Mart, but I still have one gift to buy! There's always one tough one and I have yet to find it!!

But I did get a bonus $20 at Old Navy today and that makes for a great day!

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a great reward for getting up early and going to the mall!