Friday, September 5, 2008

Growing up boys

I had the awesome privilege of taking Alex and Landry to the doctor today for a little check-up fun!! It's a great way to spend a Friday afternoon!!

And here's how it all came down . . .

Alex is tall and thin!!

Landry, well, he's just a big ol' boy!!

I paid good money to hear that!!

Actually, Alex has hit the 80 pound mark and is a very short half-inch away from being 5 feet tall!!

Landry is a pound shy of the 40 pound mark and is 40 inches. I guess that makes him a box?? The doctor also detected a murmur in Landry's heart, but given his ability to thrive in every other area, he isn't overly concerned about it. It might just be that his chest wall is "thin". Now, THAT was news to me - I wasn't aware you could be too thin in your chest wall!! He'll watch it, but isn't worried.

The good doctor predicts that Alex will grow up to be 5'11"-6'1" and weigh about 155-165.

Landry, on the other hand, could grow to be 6'1"-6'3" and weigh 210-220!!

Alex was not pleased with this news!!

Especially when Landry said, "I'm dunna be bidder than you!!"

That was worth the copays. Well, almost!!

1 comment:

leiGh said...

seriously cracking up right now...cute post!