Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Anybody seen James??

The new school year has left little time for the bloggy world.

Sorry to my 2 loyal followers for the lack of anything!!

My sweet Luke is really tired - Kindergarten is wearing him out!!
He does the best when he goes to bed at 7:00!! Crazy!!

But tonight, I was singing as they were getting pj's on and Luke said, "Mama, sing 'You Never Let Go.'" So, I jumped into my best version of that great song.

Before I got very far, he said, "Mom, do you know that guy that stands up there and plays his guitar and sings those songs??"

Me: At church??

Luke: Yeah. I never see that guy except up there when he's singing.

Me: You're talking about James.

Luke: Yeah. I really need to find him and ask him when we're gonna sing Your Grace is Enough. But I just don't ever see him!!

For some reason, Luke and James just don't seem to cross paths!!
So, if you see James, ask him if he takes requests!!

By the way James, you do an awesome job of leading our church in worship. Your genuineness and humility speak volumes!!


Jenny Chapman said...

ok, that's the cutest conversation ever! and I would have to agree...James is a refeshing blessing to GBC's music...we love James!

Brandy said...

AMEN!!! Clayton left some big shoes to fill, and James does a wonderful job!!!

Hopefully I didn't offend anyone! They are both WONDERFUL!!!

deneise said...

i'm with you on the no blogging thing!! after my aunt barb said something this morning...i thought i better update! i was going to quickly read a few and ABSOLUTELY not comment...but i never follow rules, not even my own! oh, and i heart james too!!