Sunday, December 14, 2008

Crazy Weekend

This weekend was Scott's annual basketball tournament. So, it goes without saying that life was a little insane this week.

This was the ninth year he's done it and though each year is always a little different, there are some things that never change about it. Those non-changing things would be the good basketball and the crazy long hours in preparation and actual pulling-off of the tourney.

The first year of the tournament, I had a small baby and I have been pregnant twice since then! So, my role hasn't always been one of putting in many hours during the weekend, but usually before it, doing what I could do at home. This year, with the last baby being a big boy of three-and-a-half, I was able to spend mucho hours at the tourney!! Thankfully, my mom took Landry for Friday night and most of Saturday so that gave him a little break.

My job this year was to help in feeding the teams after they played. Scott has always fed the boys one meal per day, but it's usually done at a nearby restaurant. This year, a couple of companies offered to bring their grills and cook hamburgers and hot dogs for the teams and they ate in the school cafeteria. So, it was my responsibility, along with my great friends, Emily and Sherry, to feed these hungry boys. So, feed them we did. I wish I knew how many hot dogs and hamburgers we served up.

So, it was a working weekend for sure, but it was also lots of fun. I am certain that it would not have been near as much fun if I had done it without my good friends, so thanks girls, for a great time!!

And so, I'm off to do things like laundry, cleaning, ironing, etc etc etc. Not doing laundry in that many days is no bueno for a family like mine!!

And no sleep is no bueno either! I've said more than once today -- we've been up till midnight for two of the last three nights!! It's time to catch up!!

So, here's the relaxing week ahead ...

Monday - first Upward practice - coaching Kindergartners - please pray for me!!! :)
Tuesday - Alex's birthday - family coming over for Christmas
Wednesday - church
Thursday - I'm open!!
Friday - packing for trip
Saturday - leaving for North Carolina!!

It's going to be a super fun week! After all, it IS the most wonderful time of the year!!

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