Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Morning 2008

Finally...everything's working and I have a minute to continue documenting this epic event!! :)
Here's how it happened on Christmas morning --

After breakfast...eggs with Grandpa...a big tradition with the boys ...

Though this looks like mass chaos, it was really a lot of fun!! We did a little take-turns present opening, and a little free-for-all!! It worked well both ways!!

Alex got a Walkman mp3 player

Parker got a Nintendo DS

Luke got a remote-control truck with flames (his criteria)

And Landry got a lot of Hot Wheels but he was sitting beside me and evidently I didn't get any pictures of him except this one. He's holding a wii remote candy holder that Kathy gave me to put in his stocking because it wouldn't fit in any of her kids' stockings!! He obviously liked it! Maybe it should have been his Santa gift!!

We also got basketball shoes...

Harry Potter books...

And Legos!! (Merry Christmas, Grandpa!!)

Aunt Melodie couldn't resist getting Alex a shirt from Duke!!
Eli got what every one year old boy needs ... a ball!

Later came only picture from lunch shows the 2 big kids that got the privilege of eating with the little kids ... Scott and David!! How appropriate!!

After lunch, it was time for pictures. Here's everyone wandering around the backyard, trying to figure out where the optimum picture taking spot is.

And here are the families --

David, Kathy and fam

Nathan, Heather and fam

Mom, Dad, and Melodie

Mom, Dad, and Tim

And who are these people who let their kids wear clothes that don't even match on Christmas Day???

And here's Shantel (and Ella)...she didn't get to stay a long time, so I didn't get a lot of pictures of her.

All in all, Christmas was a great day. Lots of fun, lots of presents, lot of food, lots of family!!


leiGh said...

you were totally having an awesome hair day in these pics....very cute!

Marla said...

Great pics! Looks like a fun Christmas. And LOL @ your kids not matching, I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't said that!