Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keepin' it real

When we got home from school, this is what I saw on Landry's feet --

I said, "Landry, why did you wear those socks like that??"

To which he replied, "I wanted to show my friend, Blake my Batman socks."

Well, of course, you did, honey! No matter if there was only one. I'm sure he got the idea!!

The best part of this story, though, is that this conversation took place yesterday, Wednesday. And when we got home from school TODAY, Thursday, he still had the same socks on!!

I've never claimed to even be in the running for Mother of the Year, but two mismatched socks for two days in a row seals the deal, I'm sure. I wonder what his teachers think??

In my defense, Scott gets him dressed :) but obviously Landry handles the bulk of getting himself ready. And in my defense again, we were at church Wednesday and the boys rarely get baths on Wednesday nights. Judge if you must. Just keepin' it real!!


Marla said...

No judging here. Good grief, in my last post I admitted to letting my kids eat McD's and watch TV at the same time. LOL

His socks look fine. One is white and one has white on it. My kids would agree with Landry that it would be perfectly reasonable to wear them that way. :)

Have a good weekend!

Sarah L Payne said...

That is so cute! You have some pretty handsome boys yourself! Landry looks just like you!!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend up here, her and her whole family have a rule in their house. NEVER WEAR SOCK THAT MATCH!! it's just something fun they do.
I'm way too anal to even buy different brands much less having them mis matched.
Good for Landry for stepping outside of the box.

Gail said...

That never stops as they get older. Leslie still wears different socks!