Monday, February 16, 2009

Good times with the virus

This is how last night went ...

10:45 - I went to bed

11:40 - Landry comes in my room, stands beside my bed, makes a sound I mistakenly think is a cough, then I realize he's throwing up while standing beside me!! Yum!

11:41-11:50 - I get Landry cleaned up, get his bed stripped, clean up living room where he's had a little issue, lay him down in a sleeping bag in our room, put trash can beside him. All is well again!

12:45 - Landry wakes up, turns in the opposite direction of trash can, pukes on sleeping bag and my bed skirt! Awesome!!

12:46-12:55 - Take sleeping bag to pile in laundry room, make new pallet for Landry, encourage him to use trash can, if needed. All is well again!

3:30 - Parker taps my arm...Mom, I threw up! Seriously?? Where?? In my bed. Great!

3:31-3:40 - Strip Parker's bed, take to mountain in laundry room, tuck him in his top bunk with trash can, encourage him to use trash can!!

5:45-6:30 -Alarm goes off. Scott says to me, "I'll stay home with the boys." I say, "I better stay. There's a lot of laundry and a lot of cleaning to be done today."


So, I stayed home and did an unbelievable amount of laundry. I was reminded to be thankful that we are not a pukey family. I couldn't tell you the last time someone threw up before now, and for that I am grateful!!

The boys are better tonight. Since they are my big candy eaters, it could have been the Valentine's candy, but I guess we'll never know for sure!!


Marla said...

Oh no! 3 of mine + Derek passed that around here a few weeks ago. YUCKO! Hope everyone else avoids it!

marcy said...

What a fun night! Nothing like stripping beds in the middle of the night! Good times!

Emily said...

Wow! Sorry you had such a rough night, but I must say, I'm glad it was Sunday night and not Saturday night!! :)

Kristy said...

Girl...I thought the exact same thing!!!

marcy said...

And there is Emily's immune system, missing ANOTHER illness. must take the best vitamins!

Emily said...

Vitamins? I don't take no vitamins! :)