Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Way to go, Mrs. Chapman!!

One of my greatest friends, Jenny Chapman, had an amazing honor bestowed on her today!! She is officially the Teacher of the Year at her elementary school!! What a great accomplishment for a great teacher!!

Jenny didn't earn her degree the easy way. She started college, got married, became a mom, put her husband through school, and then decided to go back and finish up. Going to college with a preschooler is a challenge in and of itself, but Jenny pressed on. I remember so many times when all of us girls were hanging out and Jenny had to go home to study or finish up a project. While it wasn't always fun, she knew the end result would be way worth any inconvenience she felt in the short-term.

Before she even finished school, she landed a job teaching first grade. While this was great in many respects, it made life even more challenging because now she would be teaching 3 days a week and going to school the other 2. First year teaching has its own incredible challenges, but to do it while finishing your education...wow!! Jenny got tired, sometimes discouraged (who wouldn't??) but she never gave up! By the time she graduated, she was so far ahead of her game that she kept on and just got better and better. She got the opportunity to move to Kindergarten (where she'd always hoped she'd teach) and she took it. There she remains, changing and growing the hearts of the littlest people every day.

Jenny, I am more than proud of you!! You have stuck to it when so many people would have given up. You knew your future could be so bright if you could just perservere. So, you did!! I have so enjoyed watching you become the teacher you are. Your love for your kids is evident in everything you do. God definitely designed you to change the lives of Kindergarteners!! I've known for a long time that you are an amazing friend and now everyone knows what an amazing teacher you are, as well!!!

Way to go, girl!!