Monday, February 4, 2008

CF Husband

Anyone who has jumped into the blogosphere of late has probably been surprised by the fact that they read about people whom they never knew existed and will most likely never meet. I find it odd and fascinating, at the same time, to read stories of tragedy and triumph, birth and death, and lots of just plain weirdness!!

Scott's sister, Melodie, sent me a link about a blog back around the first of the year. Like many others, I have found myself checking in on this family regularly. It is about a young couple who have just had their first baby, born very prematurely, and their day-to-day account of their struggles and victories. The difference in this blog and all the others is that Melodie's roommate, Deb, works with patients who require physical therapy at Duke University Medical Center, and the young mom was a former patient of hers. Tricia has Cistic Fibrosis which is a life threatening condition.

So, while I don't know them, and most likely never will, it is really neat to see how God has worked in their lives through this event and will continue to do so. When you have some time, or want to be inspired, go check it out. This link will take you to where he is retracing their steps (catching new readers up to speed). The blog address is


Marla said...

Wow, thanks for sharing that. They are an inspiration.

Shellee said...

I have totally been following that intriguing, inspiring, and makes you realize how easy life is for those of us blessed with health. That's so weird that you mentioned it!