Monday, February 11, 2008

So that's where they've been all this time . . .

Today I went into a part of the house that I rarely visit - the upstairs TV room.

I kind of equate this room with the far back seat of the Suburban - it's just not good for me to go there very often!! I am not a neat freak by any standard, but these two places put me over the edge with just the trash and general messiness that is always found there.

The upstairs room is for the boys - all 5 of them. It's where they watch all their precious sporting events, movies, etc. I am usually trying to get something done while I watch so it's usually not worth it to have to drag something upstairs to do (i.e. ironing).

Anyway, today I went up there for something. I really can't even remember why. But as I'm gathering up the pop-tart wrappers, fruit bar wrappers, Star Crunch/Oatmeal Creme Pie wrappers (mumbling under my breath things that were not very kind), I glanced over toward the corner behind the foosball table. There was this unbelievably huge pile of socks. I stand there staring at it in disbelief. I was trying to figure out why someone would have brought the missing sock basket up there and emptied it. I go over to get a closer look and realize that most of these socks have partners - they are not missing socks at all!! Someone, in a crazy attempt to straighten things up a bit, must have thrown all the socks in the room into one corner and there they have stayed. Just for fun I counted them and they numbered 24!! 24 socks in one corner - amazing!!

So, the mystery of why everyone always needs socks might possibly be solved. Now I should be able to sleep at night!!


Marla said...

LOL! Is that what I have to look forward to with an upstairs gameroom? Good to know...

Marla said...

Tag! You've been meme'd, pop over to my blog for details!

Have a great Friday!

deneise said...

you didn't happen to find any of my kids socks, did you?? :)