Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Tonight on the way home from church, the boys and I were talking about my love of Diet Coke.

I made a semi-kinda-sorta-maybe-possibly commitment around the beginning of the year to maybe think about easing up on drinking so much of it. I did really well for a few days. I'm still doing well at home. I do not buy it and keep it at home so I don't drink it at home. That is where I am most successful. Outside of home = not so successful!

Anyway, after the boys reminded me as they often do, that Miss Estes does a lot better than I do when it comes to this commitment, Parker says, "And anyway, you're not losing any weight drinking Diet Coke."

To which I reply - I don't drink Diet Coke to lose weight - I just like it!

Parker - Well, maybe you should drink it to lose weight. You know, you used to be like this (demonstration of hands close together) and now you're kind of like this (demonstration of hands lots further apart!!)

Me - What does THAT mean?

Parker - Well, you're kind of . . . . OBTUSE!

And as much as I wanted to go into all the reasons that I might find myself "obtuse" - one of them being HIM - I decided to show that I am a master of self control and let it go.

Where do kids learn these words anyway??


Emily said...

That's funny! It sounds like Parker has been listening in class! And, just for the record, I think it's time to re-commit myself to the not drinking Diet Coke commitment. :)

Marla said...

Obtuse, lol, that made me giggle. Funny boy... :)

Marla said...
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