Friday, May 23, 2008

The coolest pool in the neighborhood

All that talk about going swimming and we got to go today!!

Our good friends and neighbors, Kris and Casey, just finished putting in an amazing pool in their backyard!! Luke is good buddies with their son, Kaleb, so he's been going over a little bit to get some swimming in. This has been a great source of jealousy for the older boys who are still in school every day while these little boys aren't!!

Today, everything lined up perfectly and everyone enjoyed the great pool. Wyatt came home with Alex today so he got to enjoy it too!

I'm not sure how Kaleb and Alex really didn't get into the action shots, but I'm sure I'll get them at some point this summer! I'm hoping Casey and I will still be friends after this summer! The boys are going to be driving me crazy to go swimming a lot! But it is a great pool and I'm sure we'll have loads of fun there! Thanks Casey for letting us hang out!!

Onto other things . . . Parker had a fun day at school today called Crazy O (Crazy Olympics). The kids did all kind of crazy outdoor activities and we went up and kind of helped with it. I snapped this picture of two of the coolest cats I saw today - Parker and his good buddy, Abbee.

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