Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Total Randomness

Life is picking up steam around here.

Scott and I are getting ready for our trip to New York - a million things to do between now and then.

The boys are enjoying the last few weeks of school - lots of field trips, field days, fun days, craziness in general.

I registered Luke for Kindergarten yesterday. He was so stinkin' excited, he could hardly stand it!! And as an added bonus, they were selling shirts with the school logo on it. They had 2 left in his size - both green - and suddenly, green was his favorite color!! As soon as we got in the car, he yanked off the shirt he had on and put on his new green shirt!! So proud!!

Onto worse news, our neighbor directly beside us (the guy whose yard is a mess -for those of you who know the neighborhood) got broken into today. Unlike the one that happened a while back, this one doesn't really look like an inside job. My other neighbor caught him in the act, so maybe they'll catch the guy. We're back to setting the alarm again regularly!!

And finally, this was overheard this morning at the bright and early time of 7:20 AM -
"Mom, Mom - dere's a bud
I till the bud - I till the bud!!
I till his head off!!"

Translation -
Mom, Mom - there's a bug!!
I kill the bug - I kill the bug!!
I kill his head off!!

Guess who??

1 comment:

Marla said...

New York, how fun! Can I come? ;) Congrats on kindergarten registration for Luke, Jaden's is next week and she can't wait.

LOL @ tilling the bud's head off! :) Good job Landry!