Friday, July 18, 2008

Dear Tooth Fairy

Parker has had a loose tooth for a while now, but he is the kind of kid who does NOT wiggle his teeth for any reason. They must be forced out, usually while he is eating and totally against his will. This might have something to do with the fact that, at the ripe old age of 9, all of his friends have full sets of adult teeth and friends much younger than he have lost a lot more teeth.

This tooth got pretty loose a few days ago and actually bled a bit. That's always a sign to me that it's close and I really encourage him to wiggle it so it will come out. Instead of messing with it, he went on a hunger strike and wouldn't eat much of anything unless it had the consistency of pudding!!

So, imagine my surprise tonight when he ran in with his tooth in his hand and a mouthful of bloody Captain Crunch!! (sorry Deneise!!) He was pumped!! He totally surprised himself and seemed pleased that he has a new hole in his mouth.

He quickly put it in a baggie and put it on the counter to wait until bedtime. I promptly came by a few minutes later and noticed an empty baggie on the counter and put it in the trash - totally not realizing his tooth was in it!!

Much drama ensued at bedtime as we looked for the missing baggie. Yes, I had seen it on the counter so why it didn't register that I shouldn't throw it away, I'm not sure! Sometimes I wonder about me and why God trusted me with four little charges!!!

I finally thought to look in the trash where I had obviously put it. No one else in the family is bothered by random baggies on the counter so I'm sure it was me.

Too many words to get to the point, but anyway ...

Parker gets all settled in bed, tucks his baggie under his pillow, says good night, and I turn out the light.

A couple of minutes later, he calls me back in.

"Mom??" in a voice that really wants to cry.


"I just don't know if I'm ready to give up my tooth yet."


"Well, do you know how much work I put into this thing?? I mean, I wiggled it 24/7 and I just don't know if I want to trade it for a quarter after so much work!!"

(just for the record, the Tooth Fairy always bring more than a quarter!!)

"Well, sure, I mean if you don't want to 'trade it', you totally don't have to. You can hold onto it for a few days and see if you're ready to let it go!!"

"I think I'd better write the Tooth Fairy a letter so she doesn't take it."

I went and got a pen and paper and dictated this letter -

Dear Tooth Fairy,
I lost a tooth tonight but I really want to keep it because it took a lot of work and I've never gotten to keep a tooth before.
From Parker

When Parker feels something, he feels it very strongly.

I just don't think he's ready to let go of his little teeth yet!!


marcy said...

Oh, how I miss spending my days with that boy.

Jen and Ryan said...

That is hilarious!

Sheri Ann said...

What a sweet, sweet story!


p.s. in school visits I always tell the kids the TF only deals in quarters, because she's got to keep life simple. HA!

Sheri Bell-Rehwoldt
Author, You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy?
12,000 copies sold!