Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dancing with the boys

Ever since Emmitt Smith made it all the way, we have been big Dancing with the Stars watchers. Especially this year with such an interesting selection of "stars." As with every season, there are always the predictable losers and the unpredictable twists and turns of the drama.

All that to say, I'm in it for Helio - go all the way, BABY!!! He and his cute little partner, Julianne, are just so stinkin' cute!!

I haven't actually voted for him, or anyone else yet, but I think it might be time! If Marie Osmond beats him, I just might be done with DWTS!!

OK - this is really the point of this rambling post -

After we watched it on Monday, Parker decided to bust some moves and recruited Luke to help him! After several costume changes and different dance moves, I snapped this picture to remember their fun!

Parker is wearing my Nike hooded sweatshirt and pants and Luke is wearing the lining of Scott's winter coat over his pj's!! At one point, Parker was wearing some pants, no shirt and a tie!! Crazy!!

This picture was obviously a lift (much drama has been made this season over the lift) and I was very impressed with Luke's form - from head to toe, he's definitely a natural!!

Actually, I cracked up when I saw this picture!! Good times!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I was laughing out loud at this one, you guys are too funny!!