Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Not so much new stuff going on here at the homefront.

The biggest thing that has happened in the neighborhood is the burying of the BLUE PIPES. If you have been to our house anytime in about the last 10-11 months, you have seen the BLUE PIPES. They were deposited along the border of our subdivision with the promise to be buried by June. The higher-ups on the Water Board took out many trees that used to border our neighborhood and replaced them with the ugly, huge BLUE PIPES to transfer water from one lake to another (as I understand it - could be totally wrong about that.) So, while the obvious barrier to our houses has been nice in a way, most subdivisions don't use large BLUE PIPES as their barriers for many reasons.

All that to say, they have finally began to dig with large machinery and drop those babies into the ground. These pictures were taken from my driveway!

Here's what we are used to seeing:

And here are the good men in action:

On to other news . . .

Luke has been narrowing down his list of possible career choices recently.

First and foremost, he will be a football player. All other occupations must be compatible with this. Second, he will work at McDonalds, but only when he doesn't have a football game. Thirdly, he decided that he would like to be a doctor. This too, will only work when he is not busy on the football field. He's not sure he wants to be in school for a very long time so this option just might change.

Then, this afternoon, a very painful reality hit Luke as he was riding along in the car. While we were discussing his plans of both doctoring and football playing simultaneously, he says very matter-of-factly -When I grow up, I'll really need to be a big ________ (African-American) guy!!!

I'm like - EXCUSE ME??

He repeats exactly what he said the first time.

I think I might know where he's headed with this, but I'm not sure, so I ask him why exactly he would need to morph into something that he was not already?? (not those words of course!)

He reasonably replies that he would be a better football player - of course!!

I let this all sink in and after a minute of quiet - he says - I'm always going to be white, aren't I?? (big disappointment in his voice!!)

Ummmmm - that would be a yes!!!

And that is how we've been spending our time!!


leiGh said...

this totally cracked me and james up! :D

Melinda said...

Hi Kristy,
Hopefully you remember me! I worked for Scott, Nathan, and Mark at Farmers a few years back. Anyway, somehow clicking around on blogger I came across your blog...small world! So, I thought I'd say hi. I can't believe how big your boys have gotten! Well, tell Scott I said hi and keep writing...your stories are fun!
Melinda (Welch) Elliott

Shellee said...

Rolling in the floor laughing!!! Does this mean I'm always going to have huge feet? Sorry, Luke, life's full of disappointments!

Emily said...

I was laughing out loud at this one!! You and your kids crack me up! :)