Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Guess what showed up on my doorstep . . .

. . . this morning??!!?

A sweet baby!!

Baby Brody is coming over pretty regularly now and we are having SO much fun with him - when he's awake, that is!! It is very cool to have a baby in the house again! We've managed to change his diaper and his clothes about 3 times each day for various and sundry reasons. Look at him here - doesn't he look so happy??!!? We are very happy when he's here!

On to other exciting news, someone is very excited about the upcoming baseball season. This little boy has taken to sleeping with his glove, helmet, and bat. He does NOT like me taking pictures of him while he's sleeping so don't mention this to him!! He was not happy when he saw the pics of the sleeping pirate a couple of weeks ago! Anyway, he got to do try-outs last night and was totally pumped about it. He did great and can't wait for baseball season to start.

Finally, the three youngest boys and I stayed home from church tonight. Everyone just needed a good night's sleep and a relaxing night. After baths, we made some smoothies that Parker has been begging me to try for weeks. He got the recipe at school and we finally got around to getting the stuff. They had frozen peaches, vanilla yogurt, and orange juice. Peach definitely wouldn't have been my first choice, but they were really pretty good. They seemed healthy too. We finished that off with some carrots and ranch! I keep telling the kids that if they will wash their hands, eat healthy, get lots of rest, and not drink after ANYONE, maybe they won't get the flu or some other dreaded sickness. We'll see how that plan works for us!!


Jenny Chapman said...

You will NEVER know how grateful I am for you (even through the tears)! AND, you even care enough to blog about my baby!

leiGh said...

you have some cute boys!

leiGh said...

and i dont know why i capitalize the R's...i guess i thought it looked cool or something....anything i can do to be cool the days Kristy! :D