Monday, April 20, 2009

The cutest 4-eyes around!!



Parker went to the eye doctor today for what I was hoping was a little flair for the dramatic in regards to his complaints about not being able to see well. But, the doctor proved me wrong! Parker has the unfortunate case of having his Dad's not-so-great eyesight!! His right eye (the good one) has 20-80 vision and his left eye has 20-200!!!!! I couldn't believe it when the doctor told me that!! He really hasn't struggled in school at all so I was really surprised. But seeing things far away just hasn't been happening for him evidently. While we were with the doctor, he clicked a few clicks on the computer and let me know that Parker's eyes are virtually the same as Scott's . . . right eye stronger, left eye weaker, and almost the same prescription!! Weird!!

After the exam, we went over and picked out his frames. The tech was actually able to make them there in the office today and Scott and Parker picked them up on their way home. Parker called me on the way home and said, "Mom, this is so cool -- I can see the leaves on the trees!!" How sad is that??

Parker really seems excited about wearing them and taking care of them. I hope that part of it lasts!! It's definitely a different look for him, but very handsome, indeed!


Marla said...

He looks great in them!!

deneise said...

cutest boy ever!!! unfortunately, i didn't have cool frames in 4th grade...for some reason, they just didn't make thick-bifocal glasses cool...:(

Shellee said...

who knew I'd ever describe Parker as sophisticated but those glasses make him look sophisticated!!

Emily said...

Deneise, I was thinking the same thing...glasses have come a long way since I started wearing them!! My first ones were huge and pink!!

Parker's are so cool-I'm a little jealous! :)

Anonymous said...

I think he'll do great taking care of them. Peyton's been in glasses since he was 4 and we've only had one broken pair at no fault to Peyton. His only down fall is that he never tells me when they're dirty. I have no idea how he sees out of smeared up lense but he does.

leiGh said...

i got glasses in the 7th grade and remember being able to see the leaves on the trees too! :D