Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My baby is 4!!

Today, my youngest child turned FOUR years old!!

It is seriously hard to believe that Landry entered this world four years ago. It some ways it seems like last week, and it other ways, it's like he's always been a part of our family!!

We celebrated last night at "Chut E Cheez" and he had a blast!! Once the pictures make it on to the computer, I'll post a few.

Landry has the most beautiful blue eyes and a great smile! He does NOT like to be called the baby because he is most definitely a "bid boy!!" I love to listen to him tell stories with great expression and excitement in his voice! Almost everything is exciting to him! I bought him a Lunchable today for his lunch (special day and all!!) and you would have thought I'd given him a million dollars!! His whole face lit up with sheer excitement!!

Landry loves to do what his brothers are doing, but doesn't mind doing his own thing either. He's happy to play cars or animals or trains. He loves his brothers and alternates between awarding them with the title of his "best brudder!!" It's not uncommon at all to hear him try to convince someone to do something with the phrase, "I'll be your best brudder!!"
He has grown from a curly headed baby into a little boy who wants a big boy haircut!! He's changed from a dependent little dude to someone who fiercely fights for the chance to do things himself. He is just pure delight and I can't wait to see what his future holds!!


Marla said...

Oh my goodness, I could just eat him up! What a doll (don't tell him I said that). Happy Birthday cutie pie!!

Jen and Ryan said...

How precious! Happy Birthday little man!

Jenny Chapman said...

we love landry!

deneise said...

girl...you know how to have purty babies!! i have loved, loved, loved getting to know landry in sunday school. i think he even likes me about 1/100 of the time!