Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, Landry (with pictures!!)

I really love the idea of a blog!! I semi-regularly go back and read old stories and just crack myself up! So, I really think I'll be glad when I'm old and have even less of a memory than I do now.

But, it's really hard to find time to blog....especially when there are pictures involved.

Enough whining. Here are the pictures from Landry's small little party at Chut E Cheeeeze!!

Landry, the baby is now Landry, the big boy. The fact that he wanted to have his party at the place where the giant mouse, who is extremely frightening lives, is proof of that!! (Try diagraming that sentence!!

He didn't want any of his friends . . . only his brudders and Maden and Letsie (brothers and Meagan and Lexie). Not a problem for me AT ALL!!
Here's the crew - Landry's so excited he can't even keep his eyes open!!
This is as close as Landry got to Chuck. He was visibly relieved that he never came out and was even a little timid around this fake version!! He really doesn't want to be "stared" but he is still very much scared of the mouse!!

Having a little fun . . .
Ready for the cake . . .

Alex --
Parker --
Luke --

Lexie --

Parker, Meagan, and Lexie showing off their jackpot!!
Grandma, Landry, and BigPa

Here's the loot --

A new blankie!!

GeoTrax Airport -- very cool!!

A brand new BID WHEEL!!! (aka Big Wheel!!)

The kids put all their tickets together and got Landry this giant ball!! Wasn't that sweet??!!?

The whole crew -

Happy Birthday, sweet boy!!

1 comment:

Shellee said...

dat tate loots yummy!

Happy Birthday Landry!!!