Friday, September 21, 2007

Goin' on an Airplane!!!

The BIG TRIP is just around the corner!!

Tomorrow afternoon, Scott will get on an airplane with Luke and Landry and fly across the country for a whole week!!

Part of me is crazy-excited as it will be a huge break for me from the preschool group. The other part of me is very nervous as that is one half of our family that is going to be very far away for a while. I'm sure I'll work through it and everyone will have a great week!!

This morning as I was fixing Luke a waffle for breakfast, I said, "What do you think you will have for breakfast when you're in New York?"

Luke: Oh, I know what - Grandpa is really good at cooking eggs - he did that when they came to our house

Me: Really?

Luke: Yeah, he's a good egg cooker and he makes toast and puts milk on it and eats his eggs with it.

Me: Wow - he eats that??
Luke: Yes - he likes it and so do I!!

So, breakfast is off the worry list!! Hopefully, Scott will take lots of good pictures with all the cousins and aunts and uncles!!

This is what the suitcase looked like a couple of days ago - we've made much progress since then!!

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