Saturday, September 15, 2007

Take me out to the ball game . . .

Well, today began the Fall season of Little League baseball at our house. And this wasn't just any opening day.

Today, Luke began his baseball career.

Luke was born to play ball and I'm not sure he's ever been more excited. He has been counting down the days since he signed up to play - living for this day. And it did not disappoint!!

The day started at, or a little before, 7:00 for the big boys. Luke slept in until a few minutes before 8:00 and woke up with a smile!! He immediately dressed for his big debut and was ready in record time!! We headed to the fields about 9:00 for the first game of the day - Parker's. Parker was excited too, but admitedly not as excited as Luke because "he had played before - this wasn't his first game EVER!" He had a great game with a really good hit and some good catches. We brought snacks today for Parker's team and that is one of his favorite parts of the game!!

Next up was Luke's game. I took him to the bathroom before the game started and as he was putting himself back together, he said smiling, "this is going to be so EXCITING!!" I completely agreed with him and off he went. He started the game on first base and the first hit of the game went to the pitcher who picked it up and threw it to Luke who caught it with ease!! Another great play in the first inning was Luke coming off of first to stop a grounder and literally diving head first back toward the base to get the guy out. I think he came up a little short but it was a great effort!! He also chased a guy over around third base even though he was playing first. This was all in the first inning!!

At this level, they let the kids stay on base even if they get out so they can learn the concept of running the bases. They also let each team bat their roster each inning (only 3 innings) so everyone bats every inning. They bat in numerical order (or reverse sometimes) and Luke is #7 of 7 players. The first inning he batted last, the second inning the batted first, and the third inning he batted last. The best part of the game was that Luke was the last hitter of the game and, of course there were loaded bases because everyone stays on base. Because it was the last hitter, they let the kids just keep running so Luke hit the ball - a good hit - and just kept running all the way around the bases!! He was SOOO proud!! Everyone he talked to after the game, he told them that "I hit an inside-the-park-grand-slam!!" It was definitely a game to remember!!

Oh - I forgot the mention the black stuff that baseball players wear - Luke managed to get his hands on some of that during Parker's game. It really added a lot to his look!! The pictures turned out a little blurry - not sure why!

Here he is at the end of his game with his snack and a few hours later at Alex's game - totally pooped!!

Finally, it was Alex's turn and the great thing about Alex's game was that there was not just one game, but TWO! After we had watched 2 games we got to watch 2 more!! By this time, it was as hot as a summer July day and baseball watching was getting a litte old!! Alex did well in his games, posting one win and one loss.

By the time we pulled in the driveway at 6:30, we were hot, exhausted, and very stinky. If we've ever been nastier, I don't remember it!! Everyone was clean and sound asleep by 8:00.

This is our life for the next few weeks!! Well, who am I kidding? This is our life for the next several years!! I'm sure it will be one fun (and dirty) ride!!

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