Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life with boys (and an occasional girl)

Life in this small family of 3 is going well. The other family of 3 in New York is having a grand time as well and I will post some pictures of them once they get back. The format that Scott is sending the pictures in is really tiny and I don't know how to make them bigger. So, stay tuned.

We have had a couple of interesting conversations around here lately that I felt like should be documented for posterity (whatever that means).

Last night, we were eating supper and discussing world peace.

(Background info - Since the beginning of the school year, we had been debating whether or not Alex's school collected Box Tops because we have a lot of them and Parker was hoping he could take them all to his school.)

Anyway, out of the blue Alex says, "We DO do Box Tops at our school."
So, I (quick wit that I am) simply say "gross."
Alex says - why is that gross?
Me: You DOO DOO Box Tops at your school?? That's gross!!
The boys immediately fall off their bar stools, laughing hysterically!!

Pity these boys - they have me as their mom!!

The next interesting story came today and we were riding home from school. Parker got to have a couple of friends over, so Abbee and Corey were in the car with us. These guys together have amazing energy and excitement and can I just say nicely, they are LOUD!!

While they were waiting on me at school, Corey fell and scraped up both of his knees and they were bleeding a little bit. He kept checking on them the whole way home and at one point, said, "Did you know it’s a SIN to drink your blood?"
Abbee — EEEEEWWWW - gross!!
Parker —No, it’s not. It just goes in your mouth and back into your blood in your body
Abbee– Into your veins
Parker—No, your veins are for your food. You eat good food, your mouth breaks it all up into little pieces and then it turns into blood and gives you good energy!

Abbee and Corey were speechless upon learning of this new knowledge (but only for a second!!)

So, the no-potty-talk rule has been broken by the momma and we haven't figured out exactly where our food goes, but all is well!!

1 comment:

clayton said...

Didn't know you were blogging. I'm adding you to my roll.