Monday, August 6, 2007

Creativity Abounds

Well, now I'm on a roll and I'm determined to get a picture included in a post! Landry gave me the perfect opportunity to show how we encourage creativity around our house. While I don't have an artistic bone in my body, I'm more than happy to encourage my children to develop in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I'm not sure art is any of their strong suits either, but time will tell. This morning, Luke wanted to draw a picture of a football field, which is a regular choice for him, and it always has to be done with markers. Not wanting to miss any action, Landry insists that he too, must have "mar-ters" and he needed to sit at the bar just like Luke. So Luke starts in on his masterpiece and Landry on his. With only encouragement from me, as I do not want to hinder the natural artist that he is, well, you can see for yourself the final result. He was a proud as could be with his picture and his body art. I think he definitely has a future in the art world!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Maybe he'll be a tattoo artist!