Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One of those days

Sometimes, you just have one of those days.

These things happened to me, or someone who lives in this house, today:

  • Luke wakes me up at 5:08 to tell me he has an earache. I can't think of a better way to start the day.
  • About 6:15, I ran to the corner store to get some milk. (Don't judge me if you don't do corner store milk - sometimes you just gotta do it!)
  • As if needing to be out at 6:15 isn't bad enough, I got in Scott's car and it was totally, completely DEAD!!
  • I run back in, change keys, and promptly run over a wheel of Landry's trike as I'm backing out. It's not totally ruined, but definitely scarred! Did I mention how much he loves that trike??
  • Get back home, get everyone ready, Scott tries in vain, to start his car. Alex, who is just rolling out of bed, must now put it in high gear and go with us.
  • We finally get to the car, Alex jumps in the car and promptly closes the door - ON LUKE'S FINGERS!! Luke is screaming at the top of his voice, with his hand LITERALLY in the closed door! Alex is looking around like -what?? what's going on?? I'm screaming - OPEN THE DOOR - OPEN THE DOOR! Finally, Alex's head returns and he opens the door. Thankfully, his fingers weren't as bad as you would think they would be for having just been closed in the door for what seemed like 5 minutes. Go back in, get ice, calm Luke down, try to leave again!
  • Finally, we're on the road for about 5 minutes, when Alex remember he didn't bring his backpack (I was rushed!! he says). We turn around which now makes the little boys late to school. I'm not sure if dead battery/smashed fingers in door/forgotten backpack made it excused, but probably not!
  • Before I can get the boys to school (late), my phone rings (7:54 AM) and I find out that student #7 is ready for my services!! Did I mention that 6 is really my capacity??!! And I'm already behind because it's a four day week??!?! Aaarrggghh!

Once I got to see my students, everything settled down and life returned to as normal as it gets!

One of my favorite parts of the day was when I was putting Parker to bed and I had a little more time than I usually do to lay with him and talk. He wanted to give me a massage (which really translates into - HE wants a massage!) He has all kinds of crazy tricks up his sleeves, but he stretched my arms straight out and was messing with my elbows.

Parker - Mom...you've GOT to do something about this!

Me - What?

Parker - This flabby stuff on your elbows!!

Me - WHAT??

Parker - You have flabby elbows. You really need to work on that!

Then, he's rubbing my back and he says, "Mom, your back is rugged!"


"Yeah, feel back here how rough it is."

"It's not rough."

"Yes, it is."

"I thought you were supposed to rise up and call me blessed."


"I thought you were supposed to rise up and call me blessed!"

"I don't really feel like it today!"

So, my day didn't start so well, it got better, and the jury's still out on how it ended!!

There's always tomorrow!


Brandy said...

I don't know how much I can help with the boys/bikes/cars/students/flabby elbows/rough back... but I can pray!

PS... you have been tagged!

Emily said...

Wow! What a day. I can totally make that tardy disappear! :)

Shellee said...

remind me not to get massages from Parker...my self-esteem couldn't take it!!

Marla said...

LOL @ Parker, that made me smile, and I don't smile easily this early in the AM.

Sorry about your day, hope today is a LOT better!

Jen and Ryan said...

I feel your pain sister. I'm having one of those days today. Just think... Thanksgiving break is just around the corner! :)

deneise said...

i'm fairly certain rugged and blessed are the same!!

Uncle D and Aunt J said...

Sorry your day was so rotten Tuesday but thanks for sharing Parker's massage 'cause it made me laugh today.

marcy said...

That boy makes me laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing!

Jenny Chapman said...

Ok...that's the kind of day you drop the boys off, late. And then call in sick...well worth the sick day!