Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yummy Bread!

My sweet Aunt Deb surprised me last week when she called to tell me she had ordered me a bread machine that was supposed to be able to make gluten free bread! I was very excited and even more excited when it arrived the very next day!!

It took me a couple of days to get to The Sunflower Shoppe to get all of my special flours and I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time to make sure I was doing everything right. So, finally, yesterday, I got everything together and made the magic happen!!

Here's the cast of characters --

(This wasn't all of the ingredients, just the special stuff I bought specifically for the bread.)

I wanted to take pictures of everything as I was adding it, but that just didn't happen! The directions were very specific and I was afraid I wasn't going to do something right and mess everything up!! After everything was added, here's what it looked like -- yummy, huh??

Here are Alex and Landry watching it do its thing!

And this is the amazing-ness that followed after exactly one hour and thirty-four minutes!!

It smelled really good and here is it, finished and cooling --

Luke tasted it and said, "Mmmm...good!!"

So, thank you, thank you, thank you Deb for making my life MUCH easier, and Luke's life much tastier!!

On another not, look who's not feeling well today...


Emily said...

Wow! That's some loaf of bread! I can't believe it takes so many different flours to make the magic happen.

Hope Landry feels better soon!

Shellee said...

the bread looks awesome! And, Landry...awwwww...that pic is sweet! here's to not sharing any microorganisms with any other members of the family!