Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The doctor called . . .

. . . and Luke has Celiac Disease. I had pretty much convinced myself that he didn't have it so it was a bit of a surprise.

He has been feeling so well the last couple of weeks that we were hoping that would mean we would get positive news.

The good new is that this is treatable - not curable, but treatable.

To know Luke is to love him - such a sweet boy!!

Pray that he doesn't miss his wheat products too much!!


Is anyone else totally frustrated by blogger and the fact that what the post looks like while you're writing it looks nothing like that on the actual blog?? It's driving me crazy!!


angie said...
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angie said...

It also drives me insane. It wreaks havoc with punctuation and spacing.

Emily said...

I totally thought Luke was going to be that medical mystery and everything would come back normal!! I'm sure he'll handle it like the champ he is. :)

Brandy said...

Our prayers are going out for Luke and the whole family! At least it is treatable and remember that God is still in the miracle business!!

And yes... blogger has been driving me crazy lately!

Marla said...

Awwwww, I'm sorry it wasn't the news you were hoping for, but I'm thankful that it is treatable. I'll look forward to hearing about some of the interesting foods y'all find in the gluten-free section. Perky-O's were only the beginning, I'm sure! :)

Hugs and prayers for Luke and your whole family!!