Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Guess who called??

When we got home from school today, there were a couple of messages on the answering machine.

Imagine my surprise in hearing, "This is Barack Obama and today is election day in Texas!!"

I'm thinking - Wow, that is really great of him to call us! I'm sure he's very busy today!!

I went in to check my email and the phone range. Parker answered it in another part of the house and a few minutes later came in very excited!

He said - Do you know who that was on the phone??

I said - No

He said - It was Michelle Obama!

Me - Who's that??

Park - You know - that Obama guy's wife!!

Me - What did she want?

Park - To tell me to vote for Obama!

Me - So, did you tell her you would?

Park - I couldn't talk to her - it was like a computer!!

When I told him to go listen to the answering machine, he was totally pumped!! He could NOT believe that Barack Obama would call our house!! So now, he is very interested in Barack Obama. Just a couple of days ago, he couldn't seem to remember his name and was calling him "Ooompa." He was trying to convince me NOT to vote for Ooompa and that I should vote for Hillary instead. When I questioned him as to why I should vote for her, he replied, "She has a great hair-do!"

So, apparently, good hair-dos and personal phone calls go a long way with the 8 year old set. Just imagine if 8 year olds could vote! What kind of shape would our country be in then??

And just so you know, Parker went ahead and got online after visiting with the Obamas and voted so that his new friend could win!!

Who knew you could vote online??


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