Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Tuesday, March 11th

This day began at about 12:30 in the morning. Luke came into our room complaining about his stomach. It seemed that his day of having fun with wheat was coming back to haunt him! After an hour or so of fitfulness, he settled down and slept well. When he woke up, he was in pretty bad shape and wasn't able to go to school.

I really needed to see at least one student, so I took Landry to school and Luke stayed with my mom in her office. He went back to sleep and pretty much stayed that way until I picked him up.
Around lunch, Luke started to feel better. We chilled out at home while we waited for his doctor's appointment. Finally, the time came and we went.

To sum up what Dr. O had to say, Luke needs to have an EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) as this is the only absolute way to diagnose Celiac Disease. His blood work says that this is probably what he has, but this scope must be done. In this test, Luke is put to sleep and they insert a tube through his mouth, down into his stomach. They will take little pieces of tissue from his esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. For the true detail people, the tube is 2.8 mm, so the pieces of tissues will be smaller than that. They will then slice that tiny piece of tissue into 50 slices and view it under the microscope!! Amazing!! About a week later, we will know if this is the dreaded disease!!

The test will be next Thursday, the 20th. Luke has to be on a regular diet until then and he has actually done very well today and since lunch yesterday. His appetite is minimal but his complaints are less.

Obviously, if he does have Celiac Disease, we are in for a big change in our eating habits. My mom has already done a lot of research and given me lots of good suggestions. While definitely life-changing, it could be much, much worse! This is not curable, but it is treatable.

On a lighter note -

My Grandma and Big Pa went to The Sunflower Shop and bought Luke a couple of things from the Gluten-Free aisle!! This totally cracks me up!! The box reminds me of those fake commercials from Saturday Night Live. "Perky-O's" are the gluten-free version of Cheerios. Maybe they make you perky, too!!

One of my favorite parts of the box says "For extra crunch, look for Perky's gluten-and nut-free 'Nutty' cereals." Oddly enough, their "nutty" cereals are nut-free!! Their nutty varieties include Nutty Flax and Nutty Rice!! Yummy!! The maker of these cereals is Enjoy Life Foods. Little oxymoronic, don't you think??

Just for the record, Luke had a small bowl of these and LOVED them!!

So, at this point in the game, we are waiting until next Thursday. Then we will see where this crazy journey will take us!!

Anyone else find it ironic that just ten days ago I was posting about the MercyMe song that asks Jesus to bring me anything that brings Him glory?? Yeah, me too!!


Brandy said...

WOW... I had NO idea all that has been going on!! Just wanted to let you know we're praying for you guys and I'm glad you have the attitude that this situation (regardless of the outcome) will bring glory to our Lord and Savior!!!! Please let us know if we can help in anyway... we're not too far away!

Michelle said...

Hey girl, there is a sweet little guy in my class that his Celiac Disease. He brings a lot of neat foods and seems to enjoy them. Luke will be fine!!!

Marla said...

Ok, first of all, the Perky-O's almost made me spit coffee on the keyboard. Glad he liked them though.

I'm sending lots of prayers your way. I'm sure he's going to be just fine, but I know it must be quite a shock to receive news like this out of nowhere. Keep us posted and hang in there! Hugs!!