Saturday, March 15, 2008

Update on Luke

We are enjoying a beautiful weekend as we wait not-very-patiently for Luke's biopsy on Thursday. Interestingly enough, Luke has been back to his old self since our appointment with Dr. O on Tuesday. He's eating like crazy, sleeping like a baby, and not complaining of stomach pain at all!! He thinks Dr. O has healed him!! I just wish we knew if this was his last week of eating normal food. What would we do differently?? Would it even matter?? If I knew it was my last week on the planet to eat anything with wheat, I would be going crazy eating everything in sight!! But that's just me!!

I'll keep you posted!!

1 comment:

Marla said...

Glad he's feeling better! Hope the week goes by quick so he can get the biopsy over with. Hang in there and big hugs!