Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Horton is a hit!!

We took the boys to the movies tonight and had a great time! It is getting harder and harder to find movies that everyone from age 11 down to age 2 is happy with, but I think we found it in Horton Hears a Who!

I found myself cracking up a lot (not everyone around me was, but I did a lot!) and really enjoyed the movie. Of course, it was predictable as all kids' movies are, but it definitely kept my attention. I would even see it again - and that's saying something!

I know not everyone shares the same taste in movies, so I'm kind of putting myself and my opinions out there, but I thought this movie was really cute!

Remember - A person is a person, no matter how small!!

Oddly enough, we got into a pretty deep discussion on faith with Alex after the movie. We decided that faith is lots of different things from believing your chair will hold you to believing that you hear a whole city in a speck of dust (movie) to believing that the God of the universe loves you enough to send his Son to die for you.

I see a lot of myself in Alex - right now he's questioning how God has always been in existence. How has He always been? He told me tonight he thinks about that questions every day! I totally remember struggling with that when I was a kid. For someone with a logical, black/white mind, it's hard to put that concept into a nice, neat package. I'm just glad to know he's thinking on those deep things in that little heart of his!!


Jenny Chapman said...

That is such a great story...Horton! I just read it to my kids for letter Hh! Alex is growing so much and I absolutely love our talks on the way home from school...he's a super great kid!

deneise said...

loved this movie too!! :)