Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Amy Grant's Mosaic

When I was first granted the opportunity to read Amy Grant's new book, I was excited and eager with anticipation. As I thought back over my own experiences with Amy and her music, I recall singing along to many of her songs in my teenage years. I know that her life had had some dramatic twists and turns and I was very interested in how she would unpack her life experiences and her legacy for her readers.

The book is broken into four sections that could be summarized as various stages in Amy's life. Every Road lays a foundation for getting to know Amy and her understanding that many of the places and situations she has found herself in had a greater purpose than even she may have realized. From adventures with a horse to vacations at the beach to how her musical career began and flourished, Amy reinforces the idea that the circumstances of life shape who you are. I was reminded not to dismiss anything that life throws out as insignificant, but rather purposeful.

The next section entitles Heirlooms introduced the reader to many of the important people in Amy's early life, many of which continue to have an important role in her life today. It is obvious the love and esteem that she holds for these people, as evident in her words and the lyrics of her songs about them.

The third theme, Lead Me On, was probably my favorite because it really allowed the reader to see into the person that Amy has become. It also shows that she, like the rest of us, is still a work in progress. She is a real person who struggles with many of the same things I do. She winds her way through life and follows as God leads her. From helping her friends to her early morning routine to being willing to be baptized anew as recently as three years ago, her words paint a very real, authentic picture of a person who, at the end of the day, has the same goals I do: to love the Lord my God with all my heart and to do what He thinks is best.

Finally, Amy closes the book with Takes a Little Time. In it, she reminds the reader that sometimes the only thing that will make things better is a little time. She tells stories of many important people in her life and beautifully shares how their lives came to a close. She speaks of her children and how time can help to heal the wounds that life can give. Again, her vulnerablility spoke volumes to me.

I can say that I honestly enjoyed this book. Its format is a little unusual and it took some time for me to get used to it. The book is written almost from a storyteller's pen and she alternates the stories with the lyrics from her songs. It was interesting to learn many of the stories behind the songs and understand the heart behind the music. While not in chronological order, she really does weave it all together in a very unique way.

Thank you so much, Sarah, for giving me the opportunity to read and review! It was lots of fun!!

If you're interested in the other reviews, they can be found here:
Sarah at
Kristi at
Tara at


TK said...

Hi Krity,
I too got to review this book and just posted my review. I didn't even notice the themes coming out so thanks for sharing that perspective.

Sarah said...

Kristy, I'm so glad you did a review--I didn't even notice the theme part of the book! It's fun to see how four different people write a really complete review when all put together! Thanks for doing this with me :)

Kristi said...

Thank you for your review and for sharing your insight! It was fun doing this with you guys :).

Emily said...

This sounds like a great book! I can't wait to read it. I love a good book that subtley weaves different themes all together. It sounds like Amy Grant does just that!! :)