Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I can't really think of a better way to start a day ...

We have lived in our house now for exactly one year. One year = expired warranty!! We had a few things that needed to be fixed before it expired so we began the process of setting those up.

One thing that has really bugged me about this house is that the dishwasher has never really worked well. Especially considering that we lived in a pretty gross apartment before we moved here and THAT dishwasher worked better than the one in the new house! Anyway, I finally managed to put the dishwasher on the list for someone to come check out.

Fast forward to today when Ron shows up. Now immediately Ron begins to tell me that I have loaded the dishwasher all wrong. My bowls are much too close together. Call me crazy, but I put a bowl between every little stick-up thing - you know, so you can get as much as possible in there?? Well, that's too close. That could be why they aren't getting that clean. Second thing I'm doing wrong - I don't turn on the hot water in the sink to let the temperature get hot before I start the dishwasher. It needs to be between 125 and 160 degrees. Ron personally likes 130. So, not only do I not turn on the water first to properly dissolve the detergent, my water temperature is only at 111. I try to explain that I have small children and really would prefer that they not scald themselves so our dishes can get clean, but no matter. The water needs to be 130 degrees.

At this point, I'm not feeling the love for Ron. I'm getting the feeling that he may be thinking he wasted his time coming over because I don't even understand dishwasher basics.

Then, he comes up with this - what detergent do you use? I show him my dishwasher tab thingies that you drop in the bottom. As serious as he can be, he says, "Do you take the plastic off before you put it in there?" I'm like "Ron - are you KIDDING ME?? Did you come to my house at 7:30 in the morning and back down my driveway* with your BEEP BEEP BEEP blaring so you could make sure I take off the plastic before I put the soap in my dishwasher??" Of course I didn't say that, but I sure felt like it.

After giving me all the reasons why my dishwasher isn't working up to my standards (including the fact that I may not be washing everything off well before I put the dishes in and the fact that it is "Builder's Grade,"), imagine his surprise when he finds something wrong that might possibly be the REAL reason my dishwasher isn't working well! He fixes it and it is as good, actually better than new, since it really hasn't ever worked well. As an added bonus, and possibly because he was feeling badly about asking me about the plastic, he puts in some insulation he just had in his truck to quiet it down a bit. What a guy!!

So, if you've eaten at my house in the last year, chances are your dishes weren't that clean!! But give us another chance - we now have a cleaner, quieter dishwasher and I'd be more than happy to share Ron's number with you!!

* I have to mention that I think Ron was a little scared of the driveway since he took about 10 minutes to back down it. (Did I mention the loud back-up beeping??) It kind of reminds me of another incident with the driveway that might need to be written down before it fades into a distant memory. What do you think, Emily?? Did we get pics of that?? :)


Emily said...

Fortunately, there are no pictures of that incident!! Right?!?!? Also, you don't have to worry about that one fading into a distant memory because I believe it is in fact, my most embarrassing moment ever!! :) Thanks for bring it up though! :)

Emily said...
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