Saturday, October 6, 2007

The longest day of my life as of yet

I'll say it again - it has been the longest day of my life as of yet!!

It all started at 6:10 this morning. Did I mention that today is SATURDAY?? My alarm does not beep at that horrible time on a school day, much less a Saturday! Here's how the day unfolded from all perspectives -

I went to a garage sale at my good friend Sherry's house and was there about 7:15. After pulling everything out, which was a job in and of itself, it began to lightly sprinkle. Then rain a little harder. Into the garage came lots of stuff. The rain stopped, the stuff went back out. The rain started up again, and in came the stuff. This happened approximately 254 times between 7:00 and 1:00. Without going on and on about an incredibly hot, wet, humid, B.O.-filled day, suffice it to say that at the end of the day, I had lost (or had stolen) my cell phone and counted a total profit of $37.65.

Was it worth it?? Uh, I don't think so!!

The good part was spending the better part of the day with Sherry and Leah and that's always fun!! Here are a couple of pics just in case I try to block this crazy day out of my mind!

Here's where the deals were happening!!

Here are our cute kids trying to drum us up some business from the corner. They worked like crazy and had tons of fun doing it!! They are (L-R) Alex, Wyatt, Parker, Colby, Sadie

During all the good times at the garage sale, Alex had a game, Parker had a game, and Alex played in a "Homerun Derby" which was, as I understand it, a contest to see who could hit the farthest or hit the most homeruns. He came in second place in his age division. Even though he didn't hit a homerun, he hit it the second farthest. His picture might be in the paper next week. Alex told me the guy from The Grizzly took his picture and then he wanted to talk to him and the winner to "get some other information!" Sounds serious!! Alex thought he saw "ESPN-2" on the bottom of his Grizzly nametag so you might watch for him on that also!! :)

After the garage sale ended and I departed with my measley earnings, I was able to catch Alex's last game of the day. So that was good even though they lost!

I started this post about 6:40 and everyone has had their bath/shower and is already in their PJ's!! This house will be shutting down shortly but if you know my cell phone number, go ahead and call it and see if anyone answers. If they do, try to get their name and where I can meet them to get my phone!!

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