Monday, October 15, 2007

The bond of brotherhood

I'm feeling the brotherhood tonight!!

Sometimes I need to be reminded that these boys I'm growin' have a unique bond like no other.

They love each other. They hate each other.
They fight each other. They kiss each other.

They miss each other when they are gone (though they might not admit it!).

Even now, Landry at 2 1/2 years old, knows who's part of the family and doesn't like it when someone's not here. Today, Luke went to his good friend, Kaleb's house, who lives across the street. Kaleb is 5 and has a 19 year old brother but is, in a lot of ways, like an only child.

Landry was constantly asking when we were going to go get Luke so he could come home. We went and got the older boys from school and didn't stop and get Luke. That was a problem for Landry!! He came inside, went to the fridge and got 2 apples out. He asked me to take the stem off of one and as I reached for the other to put it back in the fridge, he says "NO! That for Lu-tey!"

So tonight, Casey (Kaleb's mom) stopped by and I was telling her that story of how Landry really wanted Luke to be home today. She then said something that really reminded me of the postives of getting to have these boys. She said, "Kaleb would give every toy in his room, everything he owned to have what Luke has in his brothers!!"

That really surprised me in a way because it's always easy to see the not-so-positives of raising a big family. It's good to be reminded of the benefits too!!

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