Thursday, March 6, 2008

You know it's going to be a bad day when ...

. . . you can't get out of the driveway without backing into your husband's car!!

Yes - that's what happened to me at approximately 7:25 this morning!!

I knew then that it might be an interesting day!!

Just for the record, there wasn't too much damage. That's my story - Scott's might be a little different. When a black Suburban collides with a smaller white car, there's going to be some damage!! Of course, I didn't mean to do it!! Why would I mean to do it?? I just totally forgot that I have to carefully maneuver around his car when I leave first.

It's a great way to start your day!!

I get the boys to school and go to the high school. There, I speak with several people, go up and down stairs, talk to students, etc etc. I am discussing one of my students with a teacher and suddenly realize that my right arm looks like it has a HUGE muscle where my bicep should be. I quickly finish the conversation and go to my "office," all the while thinking - what the heck is in my arm?? I close the door, reach my hand into my shirt, and pull out a sock!! Excellent!! Everyone needs an extra sock in their shirt making their arm look totally deformed!! Why I didn't notice this before I chatted with several people, I'm not sure!!

So, before 8:15 this morning, I had had an accident and found a missing sock in my shirt!!

Of course, it all ended well because it started snowing and that makes almost everyone happy!! The boys were thrilled and I snapped some pics of them playing in the serious snowstorm we got!! They're keeping their fingers crossed for no school tomorrow!!

I think I captured Landry's thoughts on the whole idea of snow and cold!!


Emily said...

All kinds of crazy stuff happens in that driveway of yours! The sock in your shirt made me laugh really hard though!

Marla said...

Ouch, sorry about the cars! And LOL @ the sock in the shirt, that made me giggle. Great pics! All we got was sloppy sleet. :(

Anonymous said...

i totally backed into shane's car one time! lucky for me it was his company car so he had to tell his boss!! deneise