Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What makes a great day

Tonight when we finally sat down to eat a late supper, I asked the boys to tell me two good things that had had happened today.

Parker wanted to start and he said that Mrs. Deaton let him wear her sunglasses at the end of school today and that that was COOL!! He also was happy that they started practicing for the 3rd grade program today. (I found this a little interesting because he doesn't always enjoy this type of thing anymore. And anyone who has ever been to a PTA program knows why!!) But anyway, those things made his day.

Alex was next and he prefaced his remarks by saying, "this isn't really good for me, but it's good for you, Mom." Then he explained that he has his first benchmark test for reading tomorrow. When I asked him why that was good for me, he explained that he knew I liked to know those kinds of things!! (true!) But his really good thing was that his team had won the game they played in PE today. He and three of his good buddies managed to get on the same team and proudly whooped up on the other team! A good day, indeed!!

Luke took a deep breath and with a big smile said, "Oh - I've got a GOOD one!! The fighter-fighters came to our school today with their big fire truck!!" (to which we all oooohhhed and aaahhhed) "But wait!" he says. "There's a gooder part - I got to get up in the truck and take my picture!! It was SO much fun!!" After much discussion, Luke has decided he wants to be a "fighter-fighter" for Halloween!! Yay for community heroes!!

Landry didn't have much to offer - too busy eating!! But here are a few of my favorite Landry-isms:

Par-ter's playin' on the 'pooter = Parker's playing on the computer

I a dirsty boy = I'm a thirsty boy!!

I had a too-tie pease = Can I have a cookie please?

I dot a boo-boo on my led. Tiss it = I got a boo-boo on my leg. Kiss it!!

Wate up seeping booty = Wake up sleeping beauty!!

Holy tow - Dad toot = Holy cow - Dad toot!!

Going into the Walmart restroom (ugh) with hands in the air - DON'T TOUCH ANY-TING!!
This was totally unprompted, so it cracked me up!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

You've gotta believe you're doing something right when Landry can walk into a public restroom and know not to touch anything!! That is too funny! :)